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FREE Body Massage Roller (Value $20) For Orders With Tone & Tighten Bundle

Fun and Fab Things to Do #StayHome

Fun and Fab Things to Do #StayHome

With concerts and music festivals (see you next year, Coachella) postponed, sporting season canceled, movies pushed back or go straight to video, vacation spots closed, online education encouraged because of schools shutting down, those who aren’t being cared for by health workers, are forced to stay at home. Most of us are indoors, facing four walls during weeks or months of physical distancing that by now we can memorise the said walls’ every crack and crevice.

After doing household chores, taking care of people living with you, even perhaps doing your part in charities and donations to the people in need, what else is there to do besides binge-watch Netflix and Youtube or the never-ending scrolling of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook feeds?

Here are some fun and productive activities to explore while we are all advised to practice social distancing and called upon to help ‘flatten the curve’ by hunkering down.

See the World in Lockdown

See how the world looks like in lockdown or quarantine while still keeping in line with the #stayathome order. Go to to view thousands of places live, in real-time; some of the cams are in even 4k resolution. It is surreal watching popular tourist spots such as the Times Square in New York or the Trevi Fountain in Rome without the throngs of people.

Take Virtual Tours

A growing number of museums and galleries the world over are temporarily closing their doors to visitors because of social distancing guidelines. Fortunately, some of these museums and galleries are open for virtual tours. Whether you’re going solo-viewing or educating stuck-at-home kids, a great way to learn history, art, culture, and new advances in invention and technology is by taking virtual tours.

Fun and Fab Things to Do #StayHome

Along with over 2500 museums and galleries worldwide, Google Arts & Culture through Google’s app of the same name allows everyone to view tours and exhibits online, on-demand. Head over to Google Play or iOS App Store to start 360° viewing of the different arts and cultures of the world.

Explore the Spooky

Are you a horror or sci-fi aficionado? Live viewing of popular places and virtual museum tours too tame for your liking? Why not virtually explore the spookier stuff.

One of the most curious places to visit is the infamous Winchester Mystery House of San Jose, California. Take a virtual tour into its logic-defying layout filled with 160 rooms, or shall we say ghost traps. There are numerous staircases, most leading to nowhere. It's not the same as being there. Still, for a minimal fee to help out the house, which has temporarily closed its doors, you can experience this spooky and intriguing, must-see destination for all horror and mystery lovers alike.

Mysterious mansion not enough for the EXTRA adventurous? A great way to enthrall a thrill-seeking, gothic fan is by taking a virtual walk through the Paris Catacombs. Can’t afford a plane ticket to Paris? The lockdown’s got you tied down? No problem, type to start your creepy, virtual trek.

Opera for Free

Opera companies around the world are now offering streaming services. What’s more, most of the opera houses are making their archived plays available for free. Check your favorite opera house to see if they offer a streaming service.

Fun and Fab Things to Do #StayHome

The Paris Opera is making available plays like Swan Lake and Carmen for the viewing public on specific dates. Link to list of plays and dates,

The Metropolitan Opera (USA) is offering “Nightly Met Opera Streams”

Learn a Foreign Language

If you love languages and have always wanted to learn a language besides your own, this is the time to do it. Not only are we encouraged to stay at home, but several language learning companies have also made their programs free or almost free for the global quarantine.

Sure, it may be a while before we can travel again, but learning a new language is not just talking with locals in other countries. Language learning has proven benefits like improved intelligence, focus, and memory and lowering the risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia, keeping your mind and brain sharp.

• Lingodeer offers a $1 premium membership for an entire month of language learning.

• Rosetta Stone makes available their language courses for free for the next three months.

• Fluent Forever, 30 days free with STUCKATHOME code

If you’d like to talk with a native speaker to boost your newly acquired language, apps such as Tandem or Hellotalk makes it easy to find the appropriate language learning partner. Tandem is free, with a premium upgrade. Hellotalk is totally free, with a paid option to turn off ads. Both and other similar apps are available on Google Play and App Store.

Practice an Instrument

Always wanted to make some music? Want to play the piano or the guitar? How about learning to sing? Your vocal cords are probably your best portable musical instrument. Learning to play a musical instrument while quarantined is a fun and fulfilling way to keep yourself entertained.

ArtistWorks offers free beginner music lessons, as does Other places to go to for learning music are Youtube, Udemy, and Skillshare.

Queen’s living legend guitarist Brian May is teaching how to play some of the band’s music tracks for free. His series of live streams from his living room are available on May’s Instagram account, @brianmayforreal.

Watch out for More Fun and Fab things to Do While We #StayHome on our next blog post

We at Bodyblendz wish for everyone to keep calm and stay safe. While we are all keeping healthy habits, and practicing physical distancing, it’s important for mental and emotional health to keep in touch with people we love who live far away. Managing stress is important during these times. Find comfort through fulfilling activities and self-care. And don’t be shy to pamper yourself.


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